Tag Archives: Beyonce

TV Shows You’re Missing Out On

17 Mar

I just got DirecTV so I am reveling in the 3 months of free premium television, especially Showtime and HBO. I see why they do it because I am now hooked on fantastic programming that I am much too cheap to pay for. So while I can, I am enjoying as many of these shows as humanly possible. If you are like me, here are some mind blowing shows you are probably missing out on:

 1. Shameless

long live the gallaghers

I am obsessed with the Gallaghers, perhaps to an unhealthy degree. For me, their appeal lies in the fucked up nature of their existence. The raw, unfiltered portrayal of a family just trying to survive, in spite of their dead-beat, alcoholic, drug addled, and insane parents has me hooked. While I don’t want to be them, I find myself contemplating the viability of a life that gives the finger to concepts like morality and legality. This family knows no bounds, so be prepared to be shocked, amazed, and a perhaps a little revolted by how fascinating you will find the Gallaghers and their pals on Shameless.

 2. Homeland

homeland hits the spot

Claire Danes couldn’t be more convincing or enthralling as bipolar CIA agent Carrie Mathison. She is one bad ass bitch as she stops terrorists in their tracks and defies authority at every turn. But hey, when you’re right you’re right, and trust me, Carrie is ALWAYS right. Throw in a romance with a would-be terrorist and you’ve got yourself a hit.

 3. Girls

ga-ga for girls

Lena Dunham does it all in Girls. Her portrayal of the self-obsessed twenty-somethings (a group I proudly claim as my own) is at times unlikeable, but one I find both relatable and hilarious. Hannah and her gal pals are unusual to say the least, but uniquely approach real problems, like finding inspiration for a blog (although I have yet to resort to snorting a shit ton of coke, walking around half naked, and hooking up with a weird, former druggie neighbor man to fill that void). Girls will leave you laughing, while also contemplating the relevance of your existence.

Special Mention: Beyonce’s “Life is But a Dream” documentary, cause let’s be real, who doesn’t love Beyonce?

On the watch list: Game of Thrones (heard it’s amazing but there is only so much time in the day so, I’m getting there)

At the end of my three month trial I will be forced to scramble to find these shows on sketchy websites or beg friends to steal their HBOGO passwords (dying inside). So if you have HBO or Showtime (lets be friends) you should be watching these shows. If not, find a friend, rent a season, or troll the internet for poor quality versions because the loading time is worth it.

P.S. some shows that are watch worthy that I didn’t list: Dexter, Californication, Weeds, and True Blood. I love all of these shows as well, but had been able to watch them through the aforementioned website trolling (sidereel, ch.131, etc) so they were not the inaccessible gold that I discovered by having Showtime and HBO. Also, be sure to hit me up if I’m still missing out on something (god forbid).